Wargaming Episode 2: Guidelines of Gaming

Wargaming Episode 2: Guidelines of Gaming

The Wargaming Series is written about concepts and experiences that focus primarily on my time with Warhammer 40,000 – but most of it applies to all tabletop wargames.   A good RPG has an engaging skill and combat system, deep lore, and the right amount of customization. A great RPG requires a GM to weave it into

The 22 Rules of Gamemastering (Adapted from Pixar): Part 15

The 22 Rules of Gamemastering (Adapted from Pixar): Part 15

If you play your cards right, stakes are where you see the payoff for getting your players invested in your world.

Wargaming Episode 1: My Hobby, 40k

Wargaming Episode 1: My Hobby, 40k

I’ve long been committed to joining the AcaGameia blog, filling a gap it has in the table-top wargaming space. Only now (after two successful AcaGameia events) am I jumping into it. I can largely attribute this to two things: Seth and Tim are amazing at this bloggy-talk-talk business I just don’t know where to start

The 22 Rules of Gamemastering (Adapted from Pixar): Part 14

The 22 Rules of Gamemastering (Adapted from Pixar): Part 14

Reactions are important to get right, because they underpin your players’ understanding of what events mean in the world.

The 22 Rules of Gamemastering (Adapted from Pixar): Part 13

The 22 Rules of Gamemastering (Adapted from Pixar): Part 13

It’s not enough to have an idea that gets you excited; you have to pin down what is exciting about that idea if it’s going to drive your game.