When I was first asked to join team AcaGameia eight years ago, I was just a lifelong gamer with a lot of passion for my hobby. My friend, our team captain, asked me to join and help the team raise money for Flint’s Hurley Children’s Hospital. I lived over a thousand miles away and was,
Category: General
On “Timbition” and Acagameia
At the end of every Extra-Life fundraising event, we’re amped up. We’re ready to go with big new ideas, ways to get the word out, or to engage with the community. We’ve learned to label this as not just ambition, but Timbition. (This post not made with Tim’s advance approval, but you can guess why its called
Extralife Challenges: A Long-distance Teammate
We want to share our team’s acquired knowledge about how to effectively team up with others who may be half a world away. What works, what is difficult, and what does not work. We also want to share what we are going to try in the future to be able to interact with our more remote members.
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Wargaming Episode 2: Guidelines of Gaming

The Wargaming Series is written about concepts and experiences that focus primarily on my time with Warhammer 40,000 – but most of it applies to all tabletop wargames. A good RPG has an engaging skill and combat system, deep lore, and the right amount of customization. A great RPG requires a GM to weave it into
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Wargaming Episode 1: My Hobby, 40k

I’ve long been committed to joining the AcaGameia blog, filling a gap it has in the table-top wargaming space. Only now (after two successful AcaGameia events) am I jumping into it. I can largely attribute this to two things: Seth and Tim are amazing at this bloggy-talk-talk business I just don’t know where to start