I wasn’t planning on following up my post on Castle of the Winds with another roguelike, but I picked up Risk of Rain from the Steam Summer Sale and so I’ve got the genre on my brain. With that in mind, I’m going to talk about my youthful love affair with Ancient Domains of Mystery.
Tag: Greenlight
Greenlight Spotlight: Contrast
Having established the sort of games on Greenlight I downvote to oblivion and why last week, I will now move on to highlighting games I think deserve your attention. Before I do that, though, I will note that Steam has made the user interface for Greenlight a bit more friendly, offering to generate you a
Greenlight Spotlight: Thinning the Crop
So I think Steam’s Greenlight program is a pretty amazing idea as far as providing another way for indie developers to get themselves noticed. I plan to use this blog to post some game concepts I see that I think are worth seeing completed. All that being said, however, you’re definitely mobbed with a lot