Recollecting: Rogue Entertainment’s Strife

Recollecting: Rogue Entertainment’s Strife

One of the things I like about looking at older video games is that it gives an opportunity to see the early experiments of the medium. Rogue Entertainment’s Strife is both one of the last games to use the Doom engine and one of the first FPS games to use RPG conventions like improving skills, an involved,

Recollecting: Ancient Domains of Mystery

Recollecting: Ancient Domains of Mystery

I wasn’t planning on following up my post on Castle of the Winds with another roguelike, but I picked up Risk of Rain from the Steam Summer Sale and so I’ve got the genre on my brain. With that in mind, I’m going to talk about my youthful love affair with Ancient Domains of Mystery.

Recollecting: Castle of the Winds

Recollecting: Castle of the Winds

When I was little, the bulk of my PC gaming came from downloading shareware titles from the considerable libraries of Apogee and Epic Megagames. It’s was from Epic’s collection that I encountered first roguelike game: Rick Saada’s Castle of the Winds. CotW had all the hallmarks of the genre, such as tile-based, turn-based movement, unidentified magical items,

Recollecting: Fantasy General

Recollecting: Fantasy General

Fantasy General is a somewhat obscure offshoot of SSI’s venerable Panzer General series. It’s a game I’ve been playing on and off since I was very young, but have yet to play to completion (maybe this time!). While I wouldn’t characterize my relationship to the game as “love/hate,” I do have mixed feelings about it and