The Unexpected Return

The Unexpected Return

The panel at the bottom of the cell door slid away briefly as a tray with a single cup of coffee slid through. The prisoner turned, picked up the cup, and sniffed. Dark roast Colombian, he thought as he turned back to the computer screen that was the only light in the cell. While Herr

Blowing Dust Out of the Cartridge

Blowing Dust Out of the Cartridge

Picture, if you will, a figure struggling through an endless expanse of desert. The sun sets purposefully in front of him, piercing his eyes with its rays while promising the caress of frigid night air in due time. The figure runs with a sense of purpose towards the West. In front of him rises a

An Extremely Belated Debrief of Team AcaGameia’s 2013 Extra Life Charity

An Extremely Belated Debrief of Team AcaGameia’s 2013 Extra Life Charity

NOTE: This retrospective was originally written immediately following the 24 hour charity marathon (well, at least immediately after awakening from a dead sleep). Team AcaGameia is continuing to do its part in 2014 with another 24 Hour Marathon. Until then, you can follow Team AcaGameia on Twitter, where they live-tweet games of Monsterhearts.  Well huh.

Meet and Greet!

Salutations! I’ve gone and done it. I’ve finally dragged myself back into the bilge of blogging, after months of swamping back and forth over whether I’d really wanted to. Some family and close friends might remember a previous blogging experiment I’d tried entitled “Historiocrazy,” which talked about, well, whatever it was I felt like talking