Tim on (table)Top : Doomtown and the Merging of Theme and Mechanics

Tim on (table)Top : Doomtown and the Merging of Theme and Mechanics

After five months and nary a peep, one question remains on everyone’s (somebody’s…nobody’s…) mind…where is Tim? Where did he go? WHEN did he go? Read on to find out!

Roundtable Post: Games with Strangers

Roundtable Post: Games with Strangers

What insights about a person’s personality can you glean from playing board games with them? If you were to play board games with a stranger to get to know them, what board game would you pull out?

Link with a View: Degenerative Strategy

Krystian Majewski recently published a post called Netrunner: The Way to Win is Not to Play in which he discusses the way in which certain powerful strategies in Netrunner function by subverting the normal flow of play and ideally cutting out your opponent’s ability to do anything. Go read that now, because it’s an interesting look