Linkbait: Does This Link Have the Greatest Title Ever, or Is It a Large Man Bouncing Off a Horse?

LINK: “Will Gaming Save Education, or Just a Waste of Time?” by Dian Schaffhauser (August, 2013) In keeping with the tradition of piggy-backing off of themes set by Seth, this week’s linkbait offers up an article written by Dian Schaffhauser for T.H.E. Journal, a magazine covering educational technology for the last 40 years. Setting aside the

Self-serving Linkbait: Waffling Around Games Podcast Ep. 1

Self-serving Linkbait: Waffling Around Games Podcast Ep. 1

We here at Acagameia did a podcast with k8monstr of the Feminism/Geekery blog! In it, we discuss Transistor, talking about female protagonists, world-building (or lack thereof), and personal theories which might paper over plot holes. There’s a lot of confusion. We had a lot of fun, and will likely be doing more in the future.

Wednesday Linkbait: Crusader Children

Wednesday Linkbait: Crusader Children

LINK: “For Ovaries and Glory” by Metaphlame (June 22nd, 2014) It’s no secret that Metaphlame, a frequent leaver of great comments on AcaGameia, is a prolific blogger in her own right. Recently, while sitting over beers and the World Cup, I had the pleasure of selling the great story-telling mechanism/historical dynasty simulation Crusader Kings II

Linkbait: Jamie Griesemer talks balance and Halo

Linkbait: Jamie Griesemer talks balance and Halo

Someone on Twitter posted a link to this Game Developers Conference presentation from 2010, in which Jamie Griesemer spends an hour describing the game balancing process using the specific instance of changing the sniper rifle firing time by two-tenths of a second for Halo 3. This is interesting not just as a rare instance of

Link with a View: Degenerative Strategy

Krystian Majewski recently published a post called Netrunner: The Way to Win is Not to Play in which he discusses the way in which certain powerful strategies in Netrunner function by subverting the normal flow of play and ideally cutting out your opponent’s ability to do anything. Go read that now, because it’s an interesting look

Throwback Thursday Linkbait: Kuhnian Paradigms and Other Phrases to Impress Your Friends

LINK: “Videogames and Scientific Revolutions” by Peter Christiansen (Oct. 9th, 2013) Videogames and Scientific Revolutions In keeping with our theme this past week, Thursday’s link about tech trees and scientific progress comes from the astoundingly great collaborative blog “Play the Past.” Reading Seth’s posts about Timeline and Master of Orion 2 reminded me of Peter

Monday Linkbait: Leigh Alexander Just Rocks It

LINK: “The Unearthing” by Leigh Alexander (May 30th, 2014)   Truthfully, most of the readers here ought to have already read this piece by this point. Published on Friday, Leigh Alexander’s authentically Gonzo piece about the ET unearthing is a great followup to the Weekend Linkbait. Over the course of the weekend I saw