Tim on (table)Top : Doomtown and the Merging of Theme and Mechanics

Tim on (table)Top : Doomtown and the Merging of Theme and Mechanics

After five months and nary a peep, one question remains on everyone’s (somebody’s…nobody’s…) mind…where is Tim? Where did he go? WHEN did he go? Read on to find out!

Tim on (table)Top: So What ARE Roleplaying Games?

Tim on (table)Top: So What ARE Roleplaying Games?

This week Tim looks at the ways in which tabletop roleplaying books have defined what it is they actually try to get players to do, much in the same way people ask him how that History Degree is working out for him. Great. It’s going great.

Tim on (table)Top: The Inevitable Post About Sex

Tim on (table)Top: The Inevitable Post About Sex

With a feature named “Tim on (table)Top”, it was only a matter of time before he brought up the dirty deed as a subject…though he could have lasted longer than just one week. Join Tim in pondering his inadequacies and hesitations at confronting the mommy-daddy dance in Monsterhearts.

Tim on (table)Top: First Thoughts on HeroClix

Tim on (table)Top: First Thoughts on HeroClix

Cracking open the box of figurines and sliding out the tray, I suddenly felt my legs turn to complete jelly. In the spirit of trying new things, I had brazenly volunteered myself to take part in a HeroClix tournament at my friendly local game store mere days after learning to play the game for the