Waffling Around Games Ep. 5: Life Is Strange (Episodes I and II)

Waffling Around Games Ep. 5: Life Is Strange (Episodes I and II)


Long time no see, stranger!

This month’s WAG podcast (our fifth collusion (not including the Waffle Bites!) with Feminism/Geekery, which is a fantastic blog if you aren’t already checking it out) includes Kate, Seth, and myself chatting about the first two episodes of Life is Strange. Feel free to take a listen if you’ve played them (or don’t care about spoilers)! There’s a deleted scene where I went on about how much I loved the soundtrack of the game, but sadly our unedited podcast ran close to two hours and it had to be cut out. Instead, feel free to check out the soundtrack on Spotify once your done listening to this, of course!

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